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AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers
General Information for potential AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers

Supplier Information

Information for current or potential suppliers

The Dayton Power and Light Company (DP&L) is pleased to share information with Competitive Retail Electric Service (CRES) Providers who currently serve, or would like to serve retail load within the certified territory of DP&L.

To ask questions regarding this site, its contents or the implementation of retail electric choice within DP&L’s territory, please call the Retail Supplier Hotline between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern) or send us an email.

Supplier Hotline: 937-331-4431
E-mail: Retailsupplier.Information@dplinc.com or retail@aes.com

Access Levels II & III

Access to secure information on the site is reserved for CRES Providers who are certified with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) or have already completed the Alternate Generation Supplier registration process with DP&L.

The following information is available only to users with certain minimum access levels:

  • Level II (PUCO-Certified CRES Providers)
    • Q & A Forum
    • Historical Usage Portal
    • Pre-enrollment Customer List
    • Government Aggregation List
  • Level III (DP&L Registered Suppliers)
    • Discount Rate Tool
    • Manage Pricing Options Portal
    • Payment Agreement List
    • Supplier Agreements
    • Sync List

Click Need Help? to learn how to obtain login credentials.

Need an account number for enrollment?

If you are unable to retrieve a valid account number from your customer, please download the Ohio Customer Letter of Authorization form. DP&L will not release an account number unless this form is signed by the Customer of Record.

Ohio Customer Letter of Authorization

Disclaimer: Use of any of the information provided through this site is not required. While DP&L endeavors to maintain a high degree of accuracy with respect to its data, errors can occur for a variety of reasons and may not be identified or corrected. DP&L is not making this information available for any particular purpose and makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of the information, the degree or frequency of updates, the use of this information or conclusions that may result from use of this information. The user accepts full responsibility for any action or forbearances undertaken based on or in connection with use of this information. The user hereby releases and discharges DP&L from any liability, and agrees to indemnify and hold DP&L harmless from any costs, expenses, or liabilities by DP&L, user or any third party, arising from or relating to the user’s use of the provided information and tools.