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AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers
General Information for potential AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers

AGS Load Information

Download the latest AGS Load Information.

The files below include DP&L system information related to load profiling, loss factors and unaccounted-for-energy. This information will assist suppliers in the projection of the suppliers’ loads on DP&L’s distribution system consistent with Senate Bill 3 and PUCO Requirements initiated as a result of S.B. 3 and DP&L's Stipulation approved by the Commission.

Disclaimer: Use of this information is not required. DP&L is not making this information available for any particular purpose and makes no representations or warranties regarding the use of this information or conclusions that may result from use of this information. Load profile information is based on an average of distribution system data, is subject to interpretation and does not reflect the projected load of any particular customer. The user accepts full responsibility for any action or forbearances undertaken based on or in connection with use of this information. The user hereby releases and discharges DP&L from any liability, and agrees to indemnify and hold DP&L harmless from any costs, expenses, or liabilities by DP&L, user or any third party, arising from or relating to the user’s use of the provided information and tools.

Actual Load Profile Data

Click here

Historical hourly load profile values adjusted by actual weather conditions, if applicable, for each load profile class.  Users can filter this report by date range.

UFE Factors

Click here

Historical hourly unaccounted-for-energy (UFE) factors that were applied to non-interval customer load by ratio share during DP&L’s initial PJM Settlement A and 60-day PJM Settlement B processes.  Users can filter this report by date range and settlement type.

Loss Factors

Estimated loss factors for each voltage level of service.  These factors became effective on June 1, 2015.

6/29/2017 11:24:27 AM
File Size: 28 KB
Load Profile Methodology

Explanation of how load profile classes are derived in order for Alternate Generation Suppliers to schedule their hourly aggregate load.

6/29/2017 11:17:42 AM
File Size: 70 KB
Please note: Load profiles updated for July 1, 2017
Load Profile Calculator

Calculator used to help determine hourly loads for a non-interval profile class using specific dates and hourly temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

7/12/2017 11:50:17 AM
File Size: 779 KB
Please note: Load profiles updated for July 1, 2017
Load Profile Coefficients

24 hours of load profile constants and coefficients for each load profile season/day type.

7/12/2017 11:50:35 AM
File Size: 528 KB
Please note: Load profiles updated for July 1, 2017
Generic Load Profiles 2012_2015

3 years of hourly raw load profile values for each load profile class.

6/29/2017 11:25:24 AM
File Size: 9.4 MB
Please note: Load profiles updated for July 1, 2017
Load Profile Calculator (no longer in use as of July 1, 2017)

Calculator used to help determine hourly loads for a non-interval profile class using specific dates and hourly temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

6/29/2017 11:15:34 AM
File Size: 836 KB
Load Profile Methodology (no longer in use as of July 1, 2017)

Explanation of how load profile classes are derived in order for Alternate Generation Suppliers to schedule their hourly aggregate load.

6/29/2017 11:18:43 AM
File Size: 47 KB
Load Profile Coefficients (no longer in use as of July 1, 2017)

24 hours of load profile constants and coefficients for each load profile season/day type.

6/29/2017 11:17:21 AM
File Size: 825 KB
Generic Load Profiles 2007_2008 (no longer in use as of July 1, 2017)

365 days of 24 hour default load profile values for each load profile class.

6/29/2017 11:25:57 AM
File Size: 1,480 KB