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AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers
General Information for potential AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers

Tariffs and Rate Index

Download the latest Tariffs and Rate Index Information

The files below contain reference information pertaining to the rate classes assigned to DP&L’s customers. Included are a rate index with applicable tariffs and a rate description lookup table. The links below refer to the supplier and customer tariffs listed on the DPandL.com website.

Rate Numbers with Tariffs

Index that features DP&L rate classes and their corresponding rate numbers and tariffs.

10/25/2018 9:55:02 AM
File Size: 72 KB
Rate Description & Service Voltage Lookup

Lookup table that features DP&L rate classes and their corresponding descriptions, tariffs, load profiles and loss factors.

2/18/2020 3:03:44 PM
File Size: 14 KB