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AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers
General Information for potential AES Ohio Electric Choice Suppliers

Supplier Registration Materials

Download the latest Supplier Registration Materials

The agreements and forms below may be necessary to complete the Alternate Generation Supplier registration process with DP&L. You can also find standard templates required for certain credit arrangements to satisfy suppliers’ collateral requirements as determined by DP&L. Attachment A to the Rate Ready BSA is intended to give an overview of DP&L’s available rate structures for Rate Ready billing. However, the supplier may set up and manage their rates in the “Manage Pricing Option Portal”.

AGS Registration Form

General registration form that requires fields such as company name and address, primary contact info, and billing information for Alternate Generation Suppliers.

2/24/2015 12:41:00 PM
File Size: 29 KB
AGS Credit Application

Credit form that requires information such as financial contact and mailing address, recent credit ratings, and estimated peak usage.

2/24/2015 12:40:37 PM
File Size: 25 KB
AGS Coordination Agreement

Agreement form pertaining to all coordination services between DP&L and the Alternate Generation Supplier as specified in PUCO Vol. 17, the G8 tariff, the AGS Coordination Tariff, or its successor.

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File Size: 32 KB
EDI Trading Partner Agreement

Agreement form that covers all of the terms and conditions associated with the transmission of Electronic Data Interchange between the supplier and utility.

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File Size: 32 KB
Billing Services Agreement - Rate Ready

Agreement form that covers guidelines and services associated with consolidated rate ready billing.

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File Size: 66 KB
BSA Attachment A Supplier Rate Form

Informational form highlighting DP&L’s available pricing components and rate classes.

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File Size: 39 KB
AES DPL Vendor Form
Form that must be completed by suppliers to set up their accounts payable information.
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Diversity Business Size Form

Form that requires information of supplier’s business size and classification. 

1/24/2019 4:17:56 PM
File Size: 100 KB
Sample Affidavit for PJM Scheduling Coordinator

Affidavit required for registration if supplier uses a scheduling coordinator for PJM power scheduling.

12/8/2014 5:16:41 PM
File Size: 19 KB
Parental Guaranty Template

Template that must be used by suppliers who choose the parental guaranty option to satisfy collateral requirements.

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File Size: 37 KB
Letter of Credit Template

Template that must be used by suppliers who choose the irrevocable letter of credit option to satisfy collateral requirements.

12/8/2014 5:15:28 PM
File Size: 21 KB
Surety Bond Template

Template that must be used by suppliers who choose the surety bond option to satisfy collateral requirements.

2/6/2018 5:35:09 PM
File Size: 22 KB